Unfortunately I must listen to this station in the morning because I transport children to school and they love Christmas music. It's been the worst kind of torture. Not the music, but the foolish banter these people spew out. Dear God! Such self absorbed nit wits!! This morning you people decided to educate all of the Boston area residents on what was proper Christmas décor. Sue, used the word garish about 10 times, I wonder if she recently learned the meaning and was wielding it to prove her superior intellect?? I feel very sorry for anyone who must knock others down to build themselves up. Yes, some decorations are a little wild, but most people put them up for the children, not to be "garish". I've got a terrific word for your vocabulary, it's egocentric. WOW that's good! That describes you individuals perfectly. Please stop going on and on about your mundane lives, and get some interesting material. Perhaps something positive? I don't care a whit about your daughters underwear on the floor, your views on celebrities, and most of all, your snobbish comments about people trying to enjoy their Christmas. Can't wait for Christmas to be over so I won't be subjected to this radio station any longer.
29 novembre 2018 03:22 GMT