Remember that Justin Trudeau was an actor and played in third-rate movies. His whole presentation is that of an actor on stage. LET THE REAL JUSTIN TRUDEAU STAND UP! He hardly ever answers a question, just spouts out rehearsed lines---rather well at that, but his words are not real. They are the words of a trained actor. However, he seems to forget his lines now and then, and begins with one idea and then goes all over the map until we have no idea what the point was he wished to make. Who says smoking pot does not muddle your mind. Admirable though it is that he wishes to start a Trudeau political dynasty, he did not prepare himself well for it. He did a BA in Lit. at McGill and then another BA in Ed. in BC. Then he tried to study engineering, but could not hack it and gave it up. Then he tried to get a Master's degree in geography and could not hack it and gave it up, too. Then he taught briefly at a second-rate school, acted, served on lost causes, and smoked pot. He never achieved anything much. Just a dilettante. His grandfather Trudeau made the family fortune. His father squandered much of it, and so did Justin. It is my understanding that they are down to their last million. Why would he want to try that marvellous deficit formula on the country? He never contributed to the wealth of his family. On the other hand, we love good theatre, and he is a good family man.
Mr. Mulcair was born a Canadian citizen and then applied for French citizenship. His wife is French, his children are French, and even his grandchild is a French citizen. His first official visit, he says, when elected Prime Minister will be to Paris. He promised the separatists in Quebec an easy ride already (just now when the PM has slain that biest early on in office and never allowed it to rear its ugly head again). Mr. Mulcair began life as a Christian and is now leaning towards Orthodox Jewry, complete with beard, etc. He was a devout Liberal cabinet minister in Quebec for many years, and is now an equally devout NDP member. His next ambition will no doubt be to become the ''président de la République canadienne.'' NON! Monsieur Mulcair. On the other hand, he is a good family man.
The Prime Minister was an A student throughout high school and university. I am reliably informed that he never had a mark below an A, never smoked pot, and worked hard. He, too is a good family man. The difference between Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Harper is brains.
Margret Allen, Ottawa
29 septembre 2015 15:08 GMT